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Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

How to Make Coffee Beer

| Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

How to Make Coffee Beer
First we provide the materials used
  1. Mature Water 500 cc  
  2. Sugar to taste
  3. Ecence Cofe Moca 2 Spoon
  4. Kesumba Moderation
  5. Na2 HCO3 (Natricus Bicarbonas) 2 tea spoons
Once the ingredients are all available, we proceed to the next stage of manufacture.
First sugar dissolved in water and then stir - stir until dissolved, then kesumba or dye was dissolved in result of mixing, then stir until dissolved and evenly.
After a late and uneven fresheners and deodorizers further as we dissolve ecence mocha coffe after the last stage of its quasi-mixed input into the bottle, and dissolve Na2 HCO3 and close the meeting with the crop (Bottle Cover) he whipped so quickly dissolve.
So first tip from me hopefully be useful to all my friends.

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